Is Your Brand Aligned With Your Customer?

At Metametrix we’re out to help more companies see their brand through the words of their customers.

The MMX proprietary engine identifies motivators–the values, emotions, and sentiment hidden in the data, uncovering nuances in existing data that were previously hidden.

This analysis allows brands to not only understand the strength and types of motivators associated with the brand, but also understand whether the brand’s values and emotions are in alignment or in conflict with the consumer’s values.

Brand and customer alignment matters because:

  • It is a strong endorsement of a brand’s current strategy
  • Dissonance can signal an opportunity to optimize brand strategy or minimize potential risk.
  • It creates an emotional connection with customers, increasing brand loyalty, and ultimately driving business growth and success.
  • Serves as the foundation for strategic planning, innovation and product development.

Attached is a sample report outlining the subtle differences between two successful brands.